Who wants better sex?
Do you want to get more from your sex life or your relationship with your own body?
Are you interested in accessing more pleasure?
Would you like bigger, longer, better orgasms?
Do you struggle to stay present in sex? Does shame, self-doubt, or boredom show up?
Do you feel you are becoming too reliant on porn to stimulate your eroticism?
Are you recovering from trauma and looking for ways to safely reconnect with your pleasure?
Do you struggle to orgasm, or orgasm too quickly?
Are you questioning your sexuality, your gender, or your sexual preferences?
Do you have body image issues, and would like to tune into yourself in a more loving way?
Are you curious about BDSM / kink, and need a safe place to discuss your desires / fantasies?
Do you struggle to communicate your needs and desires in sex, or struggle to set and maintain boundaries?
Do you need a space to debrief a sexual encounter with someone you don’t need to explain yourself to, or justify what happened?

In online sex coaching sessions we will work collaboratively and with curiosity to help you move along your path of sexual development towards fulfillment.
Online sessions can be very powerful, as I can guide you in all the ways I would in person to utilise all the skills available in somatic sex education. If it is beneficial to your learning you will be guided to touch yourself in carefully selected practices. Meeting you in your own home brings the benefit of you experiencing new practices in the space where you will continue your practice, helping lay down new neural pathways together in the environment familiar to you.